Ray Mobile Storage
Moving and Storage Service Greensboro NC:
Mobile self storage delivered to you.
All your local storage and moving needs.
Moving and Storage Service Greensboro NC
Prices start at $175 and
delivery starts at $60.
Call for details
Why use Ray Mobile Storage
We are the true local, family-owned, independent mobile storage business. At Ray Mobile Storage we are flexible, reliable and honest. We work with our customers and remove the red tape and hassles found elsewhere. Ray Mobile Storage helps our neighbors in the Piedmont Triad area every day with storage and moving.
Reduce the stress with moving by having more/better choices available to you.
Need Storage?
Mobile storage is a great alternative to renting trucks or in some cases self storage units.
Working on a house project?
Our mobile storage provides you with more room for your remodeling project and the safety and security that you need.
Looking for a physical self storage location in Greensboro or Burlington? Visit Ray Self Storage
Looking for a physical self storage location in Greensboro or Burlington?

Locally owned.
Our Sizes are 16′ and 20′.
Ray Mobile Storage
By having total independence (no franchisees affiliation) we have eliminated red tape and headaches. We set up our system to serve our customers with minimal hassles.
Family-owned business
Our reputation is important to us and we strive to make sure our customer know how important they are. We go above and beyond to ensure you have a great experience with your Ray Mobile Storage containers.
We are from here. We live and work here. We care about this community. Choose a local company who truly knows the area and shares your values to work with.
Why Use A Moving Container?
Moving is a stressful experience, even when it’s happening for all the good reasons. There are many decisions one must make and schedules to follow, so it is not...
Prices start at $175 and
delivery starts at $60
delivery starts at $60

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