There is in fact a science to efficiently organize your space for maximum storage while still looking good. When you are using bins to store stuff, make sure it looks good and has a specific organization theme. Depending on the items, shoes for example can be stored on the sides of the closet doors allowing more floor space in the closet itself. Going more vertical will allow you to have more space, but if you go too tall you may need a stool to stand on.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you are using bins make sure you are smart about what you’re storing in them.
  • Don’t forget to utilize the doors if you can. They can also hold stuff.
  • The more vertical you go the more shelf space you are creating for yourself.

“Whether your junk drawer is in need of its annual overhaul, or you’re looking for new tactics to get your pantry in tip-top shape for the season ahead, we rounded up some of our favorite organizing ideas so your pursuit of a tidy and put-together home can continue to evolve right alongside your style.”

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